5400 Old Orchard Skokie, IL



5400 Old Orchard – Skokie, IL


Tucker Development Corporation

Product Type:

Mixed Use - Apartment & Retail

Integrated Services:

Architecture, Entitlement, Land Planning & Landscape Architecture


Units: 245 Units
Townhomes: 49 dwelling units
Retail: 13,000 sf
Site area: 11.16 Acres
Density: Units/Acre
Buildings: Four story wood “wrap” construction around
freestanding precast concrete parking structure.

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5400 Old Orchard development is a mixture of integrated retail space, stand-alone retail, apartments that wrap and concile the parking deck, and 3 story townhome rental units with tuck under garages configured in a combination of front and rear load. 5400 Old Orchard is conveniently located near over 400 acres of park, nature preserve and easy access to malls and highways.

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43 s. vail avenue
arlington hts, ill
